Idiom of the day (English)

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Idiom of the day (English)
27 апреля 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "to have something up one's sleeve" means to have a secret plan that one is keeping hidden until the right moment. It implies having something prepared for future use, often to gain an advantage.


✔️ "She always has a few tricks up her sleeve during negotiations to sway things in her favor."

✔️ "I suspect he's got something up his sleeve for his next business venture; he's been acting very secretive lately."

✔️ "Just when we thought we had him cornered, he pulled out a solution that he had up his sleeve the whole time."

Idiom of the day (English)
25 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to be on the right track" means to be behaving in a way that will lead to a positive outcome. It suggests that someone is following a path that is likely to achieve their goals. Conversely, "to be on the wrong track" means to be making mistakes that will not lead to success.


✔️ "After struggling with my studies, I finally found a study routine that works for me, and I feel like I'm on the right track now."

✔️ "Maria's been saving money every month and sticking to her budget; she's definitely on the right track to achieving her financial goals."

✔️ "I realized I was on the wrong track with my career when I stopped feeling fulfilled; now I'm exploring new opportunities."

Idiom of the day (English)
23 апреля 2024 г. 8:02
🇬🇧 The idiom "to take something personally" means to perceive a remark, action, or situation as being directed specifically at oneself, often feeling offended as a result. It implies a sensitivity to criticism, even if the remark was not intended to be personal.


✔️ "I know she didn't mean to criticize my work, but I can't help taking it personally."

✔️ "He tends to take things personally, even if they're just innocent jokes."

✔️ "Try not to take it personally if your ideas are met with criticism; it's not a reflection of your worth."

Idiom of the day (English)
21 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "not to do a stroke of work" means to not do any work at all. It implies a lack of productivity in completing tasks.


✔️ "He spent the whole afternoon not doing a stroke of work, just lounging around and watching TV."

✔️ "Despite having a deadline looming, she hasn't done a stroke of work on the project."

✔️ "They were supposed to help with the chores, but instead, they sat around doing not a stroke of work."

🇷🇺 Идиома "не сделать ничего" означает не выполнять вообще никакой работы. Она подразумевает отсутствие продуктивности при выполнении задач.


✔️ "Он провел весь день, не сделав ни толики, попросту лениво лежа на диване и смотря телевизор."

✔️ "Несмотря на приближающийся срок, она не сделала ничего по проекту."

✔️ "Им предстояло помочь по дому, но вместо этого они просто сидели и не делали ни малейшей работы."
Idiom of the day (English)
19 апреля 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "to put your foot in it" means to say or do something that unintentionally offends, embarrasses, or upsets someone. It implies making a social blunder or saying something inappropriate or insensitive without realizing it.


✔️ "I really put my foot in it when I asked her about her ex-boyfriend, not knowing they had just broken up."

✔️ "He put his foot in it at the meeting by making a joke about a sensitive topic, causing discomfort for everyone present."

✔️ "She always seems to put her foot in it whenever she tries to give advice, inadvertently saying something hurtful instead."

🇷🇺 Идиома "сморозить глупость" означает сказать или сделать что-то, что непреднамеренно обижает, смущает или расстраивает кого-то. Это подразумевает совершение социальной оплошности или произнесение чего-то неуместного или бестактного, не осознавая этого.


✔️ "Я действительно села в калошу, когда спросила о ее бывшем парне, не зная, что они только что расстались."

✔️ "Он допустил оплошность на совещании, пошутив на чувствительную тему и вызвав дискомфорт для всех присутствующих."

✔️ "Она всегда как будто говорит глупость, когда пытается дать совет, ненароком говоря что-то обидное вместо этого."
Idiom of the day (English)
17 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "a sore point" refers to a sensitive or painful topic that causes discomfort, irritation, or emotional distress when mentioned. It often involves past experiences, disagreements, or unresolved conflicts that continue to affect someone emotionally.


✔️ "Bringing up the topic of her failed marriage is a sore point for her, so it's best to avoid discussing it."

✔️ "His lack of promotion at work is a sore point for him, as he feels undervalued and overlooked."

✔️ "Mentioning the accident is a sore point for him, as it brings back painful memories."

🇷🇺 Идиома "больное место" относится к чувствительной или болезненной теме, которая вызывает дискомфорт, раздражение или эмоциональное беспокойство при ее упоминании. Часто это связано с прошлыми событиями, разногласиями или неразрешенными конфликтами, которые продолжают влиять на человека эмоционально.


✔️ "Обсуждение темы ее неудавшегося брака - больное место для нее, поэтому лучше избегать такого обсуждения."

✔️ "То, что он не получает продвижение на работе, - больное место для него, поскольку он чувствует себя недооцененным и незамеченным."

✔️ "Упоминание об аварии - больное место для него, так как оно вызывает болезненные воспоминания."
Idiom of the day (English)
15 апреля 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "stroke of genius" refers to a brilliant idea. It suggests a moment of inspiration that leads to a remarkable solution.


✔️ "Her decision to incorporate virtual reality technology into the classroom curriculum was a stroke of genius, enhancing students' learning experiences significantly."

✔️ "The architect's design for the new building was a stroke of genius, seamlessly blending modern aesthetics with practical functionality."

✔️ "The invention of the smartphone was considered a stroke of genius, revolutionizing the way people communicate and access information."

🇷🇺 Идиома "гениальный ход" относится к блестящей идее. Она подразумевает момент вдохновения, который приводит к замечательному решению.


✔️ "Ее решение внедрить технологию виртуальной реальности в учебную программу класса было гениальным ходом, значительно улучшившим учебный процесс студентов."

✔️ "Дизайн нового здания архитектора был озарением, безупречно сочетая современную эстетику с практичной функциональностью."

✔️ "Изобретение смартфона было признано гениальным, революционизируя способ общения людей и доступа к информации."
Idiom of the day (English)
13 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "someone's heart's desire" refers to the deepest, most cherished wish that a person has. It represents what someone truly wants, often reflecting their innermost dreams.


✔️ "Ever since she was a child, traveling the world has been her heart's desire."

✔️ "His heart's desire is to become a successful entrepreneur and make a positive impact on the world."

✔️ "Winning the championship has been his heart's desire since he first started playing the sport."

🇷🇺 Идиома "самое заветное желание" относится к самому глубокому, самому заветному желанию, которое у человека есть. Она отражает то, чего человек искренне желает, часто отражая его самые глубокие мечты.


✔️ "С тех пор, как она была ребенком, путешествие по миру было ее самым заветным желанием."

✔️ "Его самое заветное желание — стать успешным предпринимателем и оказать положительное влияние на мир."

✔️ "Выиграть чемпионат было его самым заветным желанием с тех пор, как он впервые начал заниматься этим видом спорта."
Idiom of the day (English)
11 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to get a wind of something" means to become aware of or to hear about something, especially when it was previously unknow. It implies discovering information, often through informal channels or gossip.


✔️ "I got a wind of their plans to surprise me for my birthday when I overheard them talking in the next room."

✔️ "She got a wind of the company's upcoming layoffs through a leaked memo."

✔️ "The journalist got a wind of the scandal brewing within the government and started investigating."

🇷🇺 Идиома "прознать что-то" означает узнать или услышать о чем-то, особенно когда это ранее было неизвестно. Она подразумевает обнаружение информации, часто через неформальные каналы или сплетни.


✔️ "Я прознал их планы сделать мне сюрприз на день рождения, когда услышал их разговор в соседней комнате."

✔️ "Она прознала о предстоящих сокращениях в компании через утечку меморандума."

✔️ "Журналист прознал о скандале, который назревал в правительстве, и начал расследование."
Idiom of the day (English)
9 апреля 2024 г. 8:02
🇬🇧 The idiom "run away and join the circus" is a colorful expression often used to convey a desire to escape from the pressures or responsibilities of everyday life and embark on an adventurous journey. It suggests a longing for freedom, excitement, and a break from routine, similar to the romanticized notion of running away to join a traveling circus.


✔️ "Sometimes when life gets overwhelming, I fantasize about running away and joining the circus."

✔️ "She always dreamed of running away and joining the circus, living a life of adventure and unpredictability."

✔️ "When he was younger, he seriously considered running away and joining the circus, drawn to the idea of traveling the world and performing under the big top."

Idiom of the day (English)
7 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to be as free as a bird" is a picturesque expression used to describe a feeling of complete freedom, unencumbered by constraints or responsibilities. When someone is "as free as a bird," it means they feel liberated, able to act without any restrictions, similar to the unrestricted flight of a bird in the sky.


✔️ "After retiring, she sold all her possessions and traveled the world, feeling as free as a bird."

✔️ "Walking along the beach with the ocean breeze in his face, he felt as free as a bird."

✔️ "Living off the grid in a remote cabin, he embraced the simplicity of life and felt as free as a bird."

Idiom of the day (English)
5 апреля 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to crash the party" means to attend an event, gathering, or social occasion without being invited. It implies entering a party without prior permission, often to join in the festivities or simply to disrupt the event.


✔️ "We weren't invited to the wedding, but we decided to crash the party anyway."

✔️ "A group of teenagers tried to crash the party at the exclusive club, but they were swiftly escorted out by security."

✔️ "She didn't have a ticket to the concert, so she tried to crash the party by sneaking in through the back entrance."

Idiom of the day (English)
3 апреля 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "to lay on the colors too thickly" is a figurative expression used to describe the act of exaggerating something, especially when it comes to describing a situation, a story, or a piece of art. When someone "lays on the colors too thickly," it means they are being overly dramatic, embellishing details excessively, or using too much vivid language.


✔️ "The author tends to lay on the colors too thickly in his writing, making his stories seem less believable."

✔️ "In her presentation, she laid on the colors too thickly, making it hard to discern the actual facts from the embellished details."

✔️ "The artist was criticized for laying on the colors too thickly in his paintings, resulting in a lack of subtlety and nuance."

🇷🇺 Идиома "to lay on the colors too thickly" - это образное выражение, используемое для описания преувеличения, особенно когда речь идет об описании ситуации, истории или произведения искусства. Когда кто-то "lays on the colors too thickly", это означает, что он слишком драматизирует, излишне украшает деталями или использует слишком яркий язык.


✔️ "Автор имеет тенденцию преувеличивать в своих произведениях, что делает его истории менее правдоподобными."

✔️ "В своем выступлении она слишком драматизировала, и было трудно отличить факты от вымысла."

✔️ "Художника критикуют за то, что он слишком ярко пишет свои картины, из-за чего они теряют тонкость и нюансы."
Idiom of the day (English)
1 апреля 2024 г. 9:33
🇬🇧 The idiom "thrilled to bits" is an enthusiastic expression used to convey extreme happiness or excitement about something. When someone is "thrilled to bits," they are overjoyed beyond measure.


✔️ "Mary was thrilled to bits when she received the job offer she had been hoping for."

✔️ "The children were thrilled to bits when they found out they were going to Disneyland."

✔️ "I was thrilled to bits when I got the news that my book was going to be published."

🇷🇺 Идиома "thrilled to bits" - это восторженное выражение, используемое для передачи крайнего счастья по поводу чего-то. Когда кто-то "thrilled to bits", он вне себя от радости.


✔️ "Мария была в восторге от счастья, когда получила предложение о работе, на которую так надеялась."

✔️ "Дети были в восторге от счастья, когда узнали, что собираются в Диснейленд."

✔️ "Я был вне себя от радости, когда получил новость о том, что моя книга будет опубликована."
Idiom of the day (English)
30 марта 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to make a splash" is a figurative expression that means to attract attention or make a significant impact. When someone or something is said to "make a splash," it implies creating a noticeable and memorable impression that garners interest or recognition.


✔️ The new product launch made a splash in the market, capturing the attention of consumers.

✔️ Her debut performance in the play really made a splash; everyone was talking about her talent.

✔️ The artist's unique painting style is sure to make a splash in the art world.

Idiom of the day (English)
28 марта 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "to play second fiddle" describes being in a subordinate role, often taking a backseat to someone else who is in a more leading position. When someone "plays second fiddle," it implies that they are not the primary focus or decision-maker and are, in a way, playing a secondary role.


✔️ "In the business partnership, he felt like he was playing second fiddle as his colleague took the lead in negotiations."

✔️ "Despite her expertise, she often found herself playing second fiddle to her more assertive team members."

✔️ "Being the younger sibling, she was accustomed to playing second fiddle to her older brother in family decisions."

Idiom of the day (English)
26 марта 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The vivid idiom "to steal the limelight" describes someone or something attracting attention, often to the extent of overshadowing others. When a person or thing "steals the limelight," it means they become the center of focus, drawing attention away from others.


✔️ "During the award ceremony, her outstanding performance stole the limelight and captured everyone's attention."

✔️ "The new product launch stole the limelight at the trade show, overshadowing competitors' offerings."

✔️ "The talented soloist always manages to steal the limelight in every choir performance."

🇷🇺 Яркая идиома "to steal the limelight" описывает, как кто-то или что-то привлекает внимание, часто в такой степени, что затмевает других. Когда человек или объект "steals the limelight", это означает, что они становятся центром внимания, отвлекая внимание от других.


✔️ "Во время церемонии вручения наград ее выдающееся выступление привлекло всеобщее внимание и вызвало восхищение."

✔️ "Запуск нового продукта украл всё внимание на торговой выставке, затмив предложения конкурентов."

✔️ "Талантливый солист всегда умудряется привлечь внимание к себе в каждом хоровом выступлении."
Idiom of the day (English)
25 марта 2024 г. 8:01
🇬🇧 The idiom "tea and sympathy" is a phrase that conveys the idea of offering comfort, support, or understanding to someone who is going through a difficult time. It originated from the British tradition of offering a cup of tea to someone in distress, coupled with a sympathetic ear. "Tea and sympathy" implies not just the physical act of sharing tea but also the emotional support and compassion provided during challenging situations.


✔️ "After a long day at work, she appreciated her friend's tea and sympathy, helping her unwind and talk about her challenges."

✔️ "Sometimes, all you need is a bit of tea and sympathy to get through tough moments."

✔️ "A good friend is there for both the celebrations and the tough times, offering more than just tea and sympathy but genuine support and understanding."

Idiom of the day (English)
24 марта 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "to be in a league of one's own" is a powerful expression used to describe someone or something that is unmatched, unrivaled, or incomparable in their category. When a person or thing is said to be "in a league of their own," it means they stand out from all others due to their exceptional qualities, abilities, or achievements.


✔️ "Her talent for playing the piano is extraordinary; she's truly in a league of her own."

✔️ "The company's innovative approach to technology puts them in a league of their own within the industry."

🇷🇺 Идиома "to be in a league of one's own" - это мощное выражение, используемое для описания кого-то или чего-то, что не имеет себе равных, непревзойденное или неподражаемое в своей области или категории. Когда говорят, что человек или вещь "в своей собственной лиге", это означает, что они выделяются среди всех других благодаря своим исключительным качествам, способностям или достижениям.


✔️ "Ее талант в игре на пианино необыкновенен; она действительно выше всяких похвал."

✔️ "Инновационный подход компании к технологиям делает их номером 1 в отрасли."
Idiom of the day (English)
23 марта 2024 г. 8:00
🇬🇧 The idiom "lips are sealed" is a colorful way of expressing that someone will not reveal a secret. When someone says their "lips are sealed," they are indicating a firm commitment to keeping quiet and not divulging any details, even under pressure.


✔️ "I can't tell you who the surprise guest is; my lips are sealed until the big reveal at the party."

✔️ "She promised her friend that she wouldn't say anything about the job offer, so her lips are sealed."

✔️ "The detective assured the witness that her identity would remain confidential, and her lips were sealed about what she saw."
