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Inferno Insights
1 декабря 2024 г. 16:02
🇺🇸 USA: Heavy snowfall in Erie, Pennsylvania

Erie, Pennsylvania, is experiencing heavy snowfall. According to the weather service, temperatures have dropped to -3°C, with wind speeds reaching 22 mph (about 35 km/h) and visibility reduced to 4 miles (6.4 km).

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Inferno Insights
1 декабря 2024 г. 12:03
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia: The Jizan region of Al-Arid has experienced severe flooding as a result of heavy rains.

The event is part of a series of extreme weather events that have recently affected the Arabian Peninsula.

Such flooding is becoming increasingly common in the Gulf region, which has traditionally had an arid climate.

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Inferno Insights
1 декабря 2024 г. 10:01

Предлагаю Вашему вниманию телеграм-канал "МАМА В ДОСПЕХАХ" - место, где делятся опытом, советами и лайфхаками для родителей.

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• Практические рекомендации по воспитанию детей на разных этапах развития

• Истории и лайфхаки от опытных мам и пап, которые прошли через похожие ситуации

• Ответы на острые вопросы, с которыми сталкиваются родители

• Обсуждение сложностей семейной жизни и способы их преодоления

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Inferno Insights
30 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
🇧🇷 Brazil: Heavy rains have flooded the city of Paranavai in the state of Parana.

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Inferno Insights
30 ноября 2024 г. 16:01
🇷🇺 Russia: A municipal accident occurred on Bolshaya Ordynka Street in Moscow - a fountain of sewage water gushed from under the asphalt.

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Inferno Insights
30 ноября 2024 г. 12:02
🇲🇻 Maldives: Tiger shark attacked a diver trying to bite his head

A dangerous incident involving a tiger shark and a tourist from China has taken place in the Maldives. The shocking footage shows a large tiger shark heading towards the diver and grabbing the woman's head with its jaws.

The attack lasted a few seconds, after which the tourist managed to free herself and the shark swam away. As a result of the attack, the victim suffered deep wounds to the back of her head, requiring 40 stitches.

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Inferno Insights
30 ноября 2024 г. 10:04
Девочки, кто сказал, что десерты обязательно должны быть калорийными? Сегодня я расскажу о творожно-лимонной запеканке, которая станет звездой вашего стола. Лёгкая, нежная, с тонкой цитрусовой ноткой, она покорит даже тех, кто не любит творог.

Итак, готовим вместе?


🍋 Что понадобится?
Для этой магии нам нужны:

Основные ингредиенты:
- Творог (лучше 5-9%) — 500 г
- Яйца — 3 шт.
- Сахар или подсластитель — 4 ст.л. (или по вкусу)
- Лимон — 1 шт. (цедра и сок)
- Манная крупа — 3 ст.л.
- Сметана — 2 ст.л.
- Ванильный сахар или ванилин — щепотка
- Сливочное масло (для смазывания формы)

Для подачи (по желанию):
- Ягоды (малина, голубика, клубника)
- Сметана, мёд или натуральный йогурт


🧑‍🍳 Как готовить?

1. Подготовим ингредиенты.
1. Творог протрите через сито или пробейте блендером, чтобы текстура была нежной и кремовой.
2. Лимон тщательно вымойте, снимите цедру (только жёлтую часть!) и выжмите сок.

2. Смешиваем основу.
1. В большой миске взбейте яйца с сахаром (или подсластителем) до лёгкой пены.
2. Добавьте творог, манку, сметану, ванилин, цедру и сок лимона. Всё тщательно перемешайте.
3. Оставьте массу на 10 минут, чтобы манка немного набухла.

3. Готовим форму.
1. Возьмите форму для запекания (лучше стеклянную или керамическую).
2. Смажьте её сливочным маслом и присыпьте манкой или мукой, чтобы запеканка не прилипала.

4. Запекаем.
1. Разогрейте духовку до 180°C.
2. Перелейте творожную массу в форму, разровняйте верх.
3. Выпекайте 35-40 минут до золотистой корочки. Проверить готовность можно деревянной палочкой — она должна выходить сухой.

5. Остужаем и подаём.
1. После выпечки дайте запеканке полностью остыть в форме — так она станет плотной и не развалится.
2. Перед подачей украсьте ягодами, полейте мёдом или добавьте ложку натурального йогурта.


🍰 Почему этот рецепт — находка?
- Полезно: творог богат кальцием и белком. А лимон добавляет витамин С.
- Просто: ингредиенты доступны, а готовится быстро.
- Вкусно: лёгкая кислинка лимона идеально сбалансирована со сладостью.


И давайте честно, девочки: как часто мы печём что-то для себя любимой? Вот ваш знак, чтобы устроить вечер с вкусной запеканкой, чашечкой чая и фильмом для души. 💛
Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
🇷🇺 Russia: Blagoveshchensk paralyzed due to record snowfall

The state of emergency has been declared in Blagoveshchensk due to the heaviest snowfall, which has not stopped since November 25, 2024. In three days, three-month norm of precipitation fell, breaking a century-old record of meteorological observations.

On November 26, an absolute daily record of 22.6 millimeters of precipitation was set. On November 28, the height of snow cover in the city reached 43 centimeters.

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Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 16:02
🇲🇾 Malaysia: Massive flooding in Chekok Ipoh, Tanah Merah

Heavy monsoon rains have inundated the Chekok Ipoh area in Tanah Merah. This is part of the massive flooding that has affected seven states in Malaysia, including Kelantan, where Tanah Merah is located.

According to NADMA (National Disaster Management Agency), more than 52,360 people have been displaced. In Kelantan state alone, the number of displaced people has reached 36,600.

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Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 12:03
🇹🇭 Thailand: Devastating floods in Saba Yoi district of Songkhla province

Heavy rains that hit southern Thailand in late November 2024 caused widespread flooding in Saba Yoi district of Songkhla province. The district was one of 15 flooded areas in the province, with more than 23,000 families affected.

The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said the floods affected more than 1,884 villages in 50 districts in seven southern provinces. In total, more than 136,000 families have been affected by the floods.

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Inferno Insights
29 ноября 2024 г. 3:00
🇺🇸 USA: A light-engine airplane crashed into a tree during an emergency landing in California

On November 25, 2024, a 1969 Mooney M20 single-engine aircraft made an emergency landing half a kilometer from the runway in Fullerton, California. Upon landing, the airplane crashed into a tree.

Two people on board were injured.

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Inferno Insights
28 ноября 2024 г. 16:03
🇧🇷 Brazil: Severe flooding on Avenida França in Salvador

Streets turned into rivers, bringing traffic to a standstill and evacuating local residents.

The incident is part of a series of floods that have hit Brazil in recent months. Earlier this year, the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul suffered record floods that killed 56 people and displaced more than 24,000.

Climatologists say the current situation is exacerbated by the impact of the El Niño weather phenomenon.

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Inferno Insights
28 ноября 2024 г. 12:03
🇮🇩 Indonesia: On November 27, 2024, severe floods hit the Kampung Lalang district in Medan, North Sumatra.

Heavy rains, which began on November 23, led to street flooding and isolation of local residents.

The flooding is part of a massive natural disaster that has engulfed North Sumatra. Floods and landslides in the region have killed at least 20 people and displaced thousands of residents. Rescue efforts continue with the use of heavy equipment.

Meteorologists forecast continued moderate and in some places very heavy rains in the affected region, which may aggravate the situation. Local authorities continue to evacuate residents from the most affected areas.

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Inferno Insights
28 ноября 2024 г. 3:00
🇷🇺 Russia: A pleasure craft with passengers capsized off the coast of Teriberka

On November 27, 2024 in the Barents Sea, near the village of Teriberka, Murmansk region, a small pleasure craft with passengers on board capsized. According to different data, there were from 9 to 10 people on board.

All passengers were rescued and brought to the shore. According to some reports, they were picked up by the crew of another vessel passing by.

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Inferno Insights
27 ноября 2024 г. 23:00
🇯🇵 Japan: Fire during test of Epsilon S launch vehicle engine

On November 26, 2024, a fire broke out during an engine test of an Epsilon S launch vehicle at the Tanegashima Spaceport in Japan. The fire broke out shortly after the test, which started around 8:30 a.m. local time. A video published by NHK television channel shows the fire engulfing the engine and an explosion can be heard.

Japan's aerospace research agency JAXA said the test was halted due to an anomaly about 49 seconds after ignition. No one was injured in the incident and there was no damage to external facilities.

The fire and explosion was the second such incident in the past 16 months. Earlier in July 2023, a similar engine also exploded during testing.

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Inferno Insights
27 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
🇹🇷 Turkey: A rescuer from Turkey's ARFF air rescue service has published a first-person video of the extinguishing of a Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 airplane.

The incident took place on November 24, 2024, at Antalya Airport when the Azimut Airlines plane, which was on a flight from Sochi, caught fire after landing.

The video shows how the rescue team promptly responds to the fire, using special equipment to extinguish the fire on the aircraft. Thanks to the quick and professional actions of the rescue team, the fire was quickly extinguished.

According to Rosaviatsia, there were 91 people on board, including passengers and crew members. All of them were evacuated by inflatable ladders. No one was injured as a result of the incident.

The cause of the fire, according to preliminary data, was a hard landing in unfavorable weather conditions with heavy rain and wind.

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Inferno Insights
27 ноября 2024 г. 20:02
Inferno Insights
27 ноября 2024 г. 16:03
🇷🇺 Russia: Severe snowstorm in Tiksi, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

According to the weather station, the air temperature in November 2024 dropped to -37.1°C. The average temperature for the month was -23.3°C, which is 1.8°C below normal.

Strong winds characteristic of this region contribute to the formation of snowstorms. Wind gusts of up to 13 knots (about 24 km/h), which, combined with low temperatures, creates dangerous weather conditions.

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